The MIC5841YWM is a 8-bit serial-input Latched Driver uses BiCMOS technology. It is an integrated circuit fabricated to be used in a wide variety of peripheral power driver applications. The device has an eight-bit CMOS shift register, CMOS control circuitry, eight CMOS data latches and eight bipolar current-sink Darlington output drivers. The driver can be operated with a split supply where the negative supply is down to -20V. The 500mA outputs with integral transient-suppression diodes, is suitable for use with lamps, relays, solenoids and other inductive loads. This device has improved speed characteristics. With a 5V logic supply, it will typically operate faster than 5MHz. With a 12V supply, significantly higher speeds are obtained. TTL or DTL circuits may require the use of appropriate pull-up resistors. By using the serial data output, the driver can be cascaded for interface applications requiring additional drive lines.
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