The IR21141SSPBF is a Half-bridge Gate Driver suited to drive a single half bridge in power switching applications. This driver provides high gate driving capability and requires low quiescent current, which allows the use of bootstrap power supply techniques in medium power systems. This driver features full short circuit protection by means of power transistor de-saturation detection and manage all half-bridge faults by smoothly turning OFF the de-saturated transistor through the dedicated soft shutdown pin, therefore preventing over-voltages and reducing electromagnetic emissions. In multi-phase systems, the IR21141 driver communicates using a dedicated local network to properly manage phase-to-phase short circuits. The system controller may force shutdown or read device fault state through the 3.3V compatible CMOS I/O pin. To improve the signal immunity from DC-bus noise, the control and power ground use dedicated pins enabling low-side emitter current sensing as well.
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